About Us

บริษัท ส.วัฒนะ กรุ๊ป จํากัด

S.vattana Group CO.,LTD.

Manufacturer and distributor of high-quality fabrics and textiles. With over 20 years of experience in the fabric industry, we produce our goods using skilled artisans and advanced, standardized machinery. Our production processes are safe and environmentally friendly. Additionally, we offer services to adjust the quality of fabrics and select raw materials to best meet our customers’ needs, ensuring that we export high-quality products that align with market demands.


To be a leading company with expertise in textiles, specializing in the production of high-quality products and delivering excellent services to the global market.


We are committed and determined to enhance the quality of our products in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of our customers, while simultaneously developing our company’s workforce to ensure expertise and sustainable growth.

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